- 検見川ロマンチック
- 新船将徳
- 沼田謙二朗
OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30
前売/当日 共に¥1,500 + 2D ORDER
■This day is the real end of the fiscal year! We put away our work and gathered at Inage!
Get numb to the exoticism of the Irish bouzouki at "Kemigawa Romantic"!
The Yokohama singer is on tour with his new album! "Masanori Arifune"
Heart in song, love in rhythm, "KAI IKKI"!
More new songs last year, and step by step forward this year "MIKI"
New ship's paysen on tour makes his first appearance in Inage! "JACKMAN"
This is! This is us! It's the blues! Kenjiro Numata
A total of six groups with sounds that will touch your heart!
Taste the sounds you can't see on TV!